Денес е среда, 12 март 2025
ПочетокАнимеПристигнуваат два НОВИ multiverse аниме филмови

Пристигнуваат два НОВИ multiverse аниме филмови

По Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness и Everything Everywhere All at Once, добиваме уште два филмови поврзани со мултиверзумот. 

Како што изгледа, ова е година на multiverse тематика, па така на 7-ми октомври ни пристигнуваат To All of You That I Loved и To the Only Me Who Loved You, два романтични аниме филмови поврзани со мултиверзумот.
Интересно е тоа што искуство кое ќе го добијат гледачите, а и самиот крај ќе биде различен зависно од тоа кој филм го гледате прв.

Филмовите се базирани според истоимените новели од Yomiji Otono кои исто така имаа заедничка премиера на 23-ти јуни, 2016 година, а еве што има авторот да каже за нив:
„This story is born from my own fantasy when I was in the second year of junior high school. In the infinite number of parallel worlds that exist, one of the happiest futures that this fantasy has led me to is the one that will be made into these films. Two films are being released simultaneously. They are made in a way that you can watch them from either side, and the order in which you watch the two films will greatly change the way you feel about them. I hope you will enjoy the choice you can only make once, which of the two films to see first“
Уште еден интересен факт е тоа што филмовите се анимирани од две различни студиа. Bakken Studios ќе ни го донесе ‘To All of You That I Loved’, а ‘To the Only Me Who Loved You’ ќе биде дело на TMS Entertainment (познати по Dr. Stone и Fruits Basket).

Краток опис на приказните

To All of You That I Loved:
„A world where it has been established that people routinely swing between slightly different parallel worlds…
Koyomi Takasaki, who lives with his mother following his parents’ divorce, enrolls in a local university prep school. Due to the atmosphere concentrated on studies and his social awkwardness, Koyomi is unable to make friends. One day, he is suddenly approached by his classmate Kazune Takigawa, who tells him that she has travelled from the 85th world where she and Koyomi are lovers.“
To the Only Me Who Loved You:
„A world where it has been established that people routinely swing between slightly different parallel worlds…
Koyomi Hidaka, who lives with his father following his parents’ divorce, meets a girl named Shiori Satou at the research institute where his father works. They both have a little crush on each other, but everything changes when their parents remarry. Koyomi and Shiori, convinced that they will never be together, try to jump into another world where they won’t be step-siblings… There’s no meaning in a world without her.“
Ја сум Тино дел од тимот на комиксмк, огромен обожавател на филмот, стриповите, видео игрите и се што е поврзано со поп културата.


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