Денес е среда, 12 март 2025
ПочетокФилмовиTom Holland отворено разговара за 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' (за списанието EW)

Tom Holland отворено разговара за ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ (за списанието EW)

‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ ќе биде достапен само во кино од 16-ти декември, 2021 година.

Tom Holland изјавува дека Alfred Molina е еден од неговите најомилени актери со кого работел, дополнително дискутира за:

“It was really fun to watch him see how technology has advanced. When he was making these films, the arms were puppets, and when we did it, they’re all imaginary and CG. It was quite cool to see him relive it, but also relearn it.”

Тој додава какво било искуството кога работеле на првиот филм во споредба со овој:

“The first film, [director] Jon Watts and I were sort of flying by the seat of our pants,This one, I think we both felt really confident, so we were able to relax. We actually had so much more fun on this one than we did on the previous two.”

Изјавува што да очекуваме од тепачките:

“a lot more visceral, a lot more hand-to-hand combat.”

Дали е ова последниот Spider-Man филм во филмскиот универзум на Marvel:

“We were all treating [No Way Home] as the end of a franchise. let’s say, I think if we were lucky enough to dive into these characters again, you’d be seeing a very different version. It would no longer be the Homecoming trilogy. We would give it some time and try to build something different and tonally change the films. Whether that happens or not, I don’t know. But we were definitely treating [No Way Home] like it was coming to an end, and it felt like it.”

Tom Holland заедно со Zendaya и Jacob Batalon имале големи емоции на последниот ден од снимање:

“We’ve been making these films for five years now. We’ve had such an amazing relationship, the three of us. We’ve been with each other every step of the way. We’ve done every single film, every single press tour. So this one scene, [we didn’t know] if this would be the last time [we were all working together.] [It] was heartbreaking but also really exciting because we’re all moving into the next chapter of our careers. So sharing that moment with them was maybe the best day I’ve ever had on set. I don’t think I’ve cried like that ever.”

Додава дека дополнително се спремал за улогата:

“If you’re not willing to focus and do the prep work, you’re going to get called out,” Holland says with a laugh. “Because when you’re dealing with magic spells and dimensions, it really gets complicated.”




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