Денес е среда, 12 март 2025
ПочетокГејмингДали сте слушнале за видео играта 'Skopje'?

Дали сте слушнале за видео играта ‘Skopje’?

Indie играта ‘Skopje’ е во изработка од страна на македонското студио Dark-1. 

Студиото Dark-1 (https://dark-1.com/) е тим од три членови кои напорно работат на една нова и интересна Survival игра која наликува на ‘Borderlands’ и е вистинска comic-book инспирација, описот на играта:

„Skopje is a comic book styled First Person Shooter with roguelite elements and an open-ended world gameplay. Explore a city thrust into disarray by an unknown event and survive the hordes of mutated abominations that lurk at every corner. You’ll have to fight through enemies & bosses, scavenge loot and survive the hostile city.“

Официјален Gameplay трејлер (Alpha footage):


‘Skopje’ ќе биде достапна за Windows и MacOS, до овој момент нема конкретен датум за кога ќе биде пуштена во продажба.

Слики директно од играта:

Визуелно преубава игра, очекуваме да добиеме и брутална акција покрај елементите на преживување во Скопје, подолу може да прочитате повеќе информации од тимот на играта кои се достапни на Steam линкот (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1211980/Skopje/):

  • Why Early Access?
    “Our goal for Skopje is to make a game that will provide an immersive story and thrilling gameplay. This is the first game we’re making with such a large scale, so we believe that working alongside gamers will be of great value in achieving our goal of making a game that’s loved by its players.”
  • Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
    “Right now, our estimate is that the game will be in early access for at least 2 years.”
  • How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
    “The city area will be a lot bigger, we’ll have a complete story, new weapons, enemies, abilities, improved visuals, and many performance improvements. One of the biggest features we are planning to add is Co-op game mode with 4 players, this is a huge challenge and will largely depend on the success of the single-player game mode.”
  • What is the current state of the Early Access version?
    “The early access version of the game has about 25% of the content we are planning to have in the final release. You can explore, loot, drive your mobile base (“DOM”), encounter and shoot dangerous enemies with a few different weapons, craft and use survival items, as well as passive and active utilities, and there’s a couple of endings you can reach.”
  • Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
    “The final release price will be higher than the Early Access price. Early adopters will get the best value as a gratitude for supporting us and the game through this journey.”
  • How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
    “We would like to hear what everyone has to say. We have a discord server where we have open discussions and votes with our community, mostly about our plans and upcoming features of the game. Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/fqxsFp8”







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